Monday, April 6, 2015

What Is Clean Eating?

Nobody wants to eat dirty. It just sounds gross. But if you’re not eating clean, that may be your only option. So you may be wondering what it takes to take the dirt out of your diet and wash it off so you can dine on the clean diet you deserve. Well, wonder no more.

Below, you’ll find out what exactly clean eating is and what you can do to make your diet a little bit cleaner.

Keeping It Clean

First things first. What is it? If clean eating is completely foreign to you or you’ve only heard about it in passing or seen it on the cover of a magazine, here is a quick rundown of what clean eating is all about.

Clean eating is nothing more than knowing where your food comes from. Well, that’s where it starts at least. Because if all you do is know what factory your food is made in, you’re not eating clean. The heart of clean eating is knowing where your food comes from, how it gets to you, and taking the necessary steps to only eat those things that are in their most natural and therefore healthy state.

In other words, eating clean means you’ll be eating a lot of whole foods, a.k.a. “real foods,” which are either not processed at all or have undergone very little processing. Thanks to the desire to prolong shelf life of foods, many foods are so crammed with preservatives and are so processed they barely resemble their original selves. Clean eating doesn’t allow such foods in your system.

What It Isn’t

While clean eating is great, there are some things it is not. To begin, clean eating is not easy. A century ago, it was much easier. However, with advances in food preservation, food processing became more and more common. Today, finding enough unprocessed food to live off of is no easy task. Heading to your local farmers’ market is a great way to start making it happen.

It’s also not about going raw. Cooking your food is fine if you’re eating clean. All you’ve got to do is make sure the food you cook is as close to its original state as possible. As long as you’re not prepping your food in a way that will keep it edible for decades to come, you’re still eating clean.

Finally, it’s not about cutting certain food groups from your diet. While eating clean will help you lose weight and feel better, you won’t get the perks by cutting out fats or desserts. You’ll get the perks by simply eating clean.

How to Do It

Your interest piqued with clean eating? If you want to become part of the clean eating movement, here’s some good news: it’s delicious.

With clean eating, you’ll be eating the good stuff: fats, protein, and carbohydrates. You’ll also probably be eating more often than the traditional three meals each day. Instead, you’ll chow down on five or six smaller meals.

As you eat, you’ll want to avoid some fats. Namely, you’ll want to keep away from saturated fats. In fact, while you’re okay to eat fat, you don’t want to gorge yourself on it. You also want to prevent yourself from overdoing it on salt. Instead, train your pallet to appreciate the flavor of food without all the added salt and sugar that is so common in processed foods.

Eating clean, coupled with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body — so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals.

Call or email today to get started.

Ty Jones

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

5 Quick Fitness Tips

5 Quick Fitness Tips
  1. Be Consistent: exercise at least 3 times each week.
  2. Be Challenged: keep your routine intense.
  3. Be Patient: true fitness results take time.
  4. Be Excited: find a form of exercise that you love.
  5. Be Advised: call in a professional, like me, for premium results.

Monday, March 2, 2015

7 Things That Fit People Do

You’ve heard that being fit is all about the lifestyle, and not the quick fix, so today I’d like to give you a glimpse the habits that fit people have. These following seven habits are held by successfully fit people…wonder if you could apply a few to your own life.

1. They See Each Day with Perspective

Fail to meet your fitness goals today? Move on. Tomorrow is another day to make smarter decisions. When you wake up, rededicate yourself to your fitness goals without beating yourself about whatever mistakes you made in the past. After all, you can’t change what you did yesterday. All you can control is right now. So get to it!

2. They Know Their Bodies

When you finish a workout, you should feel good. If you don’t, then something needs to change. Either your diet or routine is throwing you off. Fit people know how everything they do affects their body and they take steps to avoid those things that make them not feel and perform their best. Learn how your body responds and care for it accordingly.

3. They Find Ways around the Reasons

If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t quite get fit, it may be your proclivity for caving to pressure. And that pressure may be self-induced. Fit people do not give into excuses for why they shouldn’t exercise. Quite the contrary. They are continually finding reasons why they should hit the gym and find pockets of time to do it—even if the trip to the gym is shorter than usual.

4. They Eat and Sleep Well

Study after study has shown the benefit of eating whole, unprocessed foods. It provides energy and strength, helps you feel full throughout the day, and makes your time in the gym as fruitful as possible. Getting good sleep is equally as important, as it keeps all your bodily systems in rhythm. Put these two fit activities together and you’re well on your way to optimal fitness.

5. They Track Progress
For some, keeping tabs on health progress is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Once you get into the routine, however, you will become a believer in the power of tracking your progress. Tracking serves to both reward and motivate you, as you see that the countless hours in the gym and smart food choices lead to a healthier weight and greater strength—a.k.a. better overall fitness and health.

6. They Think during Exercise

It can be easy to mindlessly run on a treadmill at the gym if you’re not careful. Just remember that fit people don’t do such a thing. They’re very intentional about everything they do at the gym. This means if you want to be fit, you should put some brainpower into what you include in your workout and how you perform each repetition. This allows you to get maximum benefit from your gym time and reduces the risk of injury.

7. They Lean on a Trainer

The final thing fit people do is rely on someone with lots of knowhow in the realm of fitness. This is why my clients have such a high success rate in achieving their goals – because I make sure that they stick with it! I have a sincere interest in your overall health and well-being and know how to help you reach the goals that can seem so far away when you’re trying to achieve it on your own.

Call or email today and let’s get started on your fitness journey!